При работе с долгами Дальневосточной транспортной группы (ДВТГ) коллекторы осваивают китайский язык

02 сентября 2016 года Объединенная коллекторско-факторинговая компания (ОКФК) при поддержке Центра развития коллекторства начала распространение на английском и китайском языке информации о проведенной 29 августа 2016 года пресс-конференции, посвященной долговым проблемам Дальневосточной Транспортной Группы (ДВТГ) и особенностям банкротства предприятий, входящих в этот холдинг.

Особое внимание в материале уделяется анализу сотрудничества ОАО «Находкинского морского рыбного порта» (НМРП), контролируемого ДВТГ, и ОАО Корпорация «Порт Далянь» (КНР), т.к. этот проект презентовался на Восточном экономическом форуме в 2015 году.

Публичное распространение информации вынужденная мера для защиты инвестиционной безопасности Дальнего Востока пока ожидается конструктивная реакция Минвостокразвития России, Корпорации развития Дальнего Востока и другие государственных структур на отправленные обращения по рискам проектов ДВТГ. Привлечение внимания к ситуации с ДВТГ особо актуально с учетом использования этой группой Восточного экономического форума для продвижения своих проектов. Согласно программе, планировалось выступление Генерального директора АО «Дальневосточная транспортная группа» Алексея Головко в секции «Инвестиционные проекты в сфере транспорта и логистики».

Вот тексты для иностранных инвесторов:


2016年8月31日,将召开远东运输集团控股公司旗下集装箱联盟公司第一次债权人会议。企业债务金额约为2.6亿卢布,破产程序始于2015年11月。为了查明远东运输集团子公司破产的根本原因,维护债权人的权利,债权人会议旨在更换集装箱联盟公司的破产管理人。公司将向债权人租赁所得的资产(汽车)无偿借给远东运输集团旗下组织机构,包括远东运输集团集装箱有限责任公司。截至集装箱联盟有限责任公司核算之时,已累积大量亏损和债务,而全部利润却归远东运输集团旗下组织机构。 “‘我们的目的是凝聚力量,为集装箱联盟公司破产程序注入新动力’,这一目标的实现要通过追究实际管理决策人员的责任,我们认为,即以常任理事帕尔申娜·赖萨·尼古拉耶夫娜为首的远东运输集团本身。”集合资产保理联合公司董事会主席-杰尼斯·伊格纳托夫这样说道。杰尼斯·伊格纳托夫是集装箱联盟公司现阶段主要债权人,代表“T代”股份有限公司的利益。伊格纳托夫先生认为可建立一个由远东运输集团控股公司的实际债权人构成的统一的集合资金池。远东运输集团负债总计超过50亿卢布,最大的债权人包括:俄罗斯外贸银行、储蓄银行、Gaztehlizing和“T代”股份公司。 集合资金人担心远东运输集团相关组织的情况再次发生,即延迟破产程序,引入远东运输集团忠实债权人和(如同纳霍德卡渔港案例)资产退出。远东运输集团不但不与债权人进行核算,还数次中止企业的破产程序,并通过其“自己的”破产管理人逃避或延迟和减少支付债款。为防止类似事件发生,债权人首先计划更换现任破产管理人尤金·奥列格·弗拉基米罗维奇,由远东运输集团子公司倡议任命、远东运输集团旗下“Yurganz”有限责任公司的破产管理人。该破产管理人经常参与远东运输集团相关组织的破产程序。更换破产管理人的决议由多数投票通过,在执行过程中应该不会遇到障碍。 另外,集合资金人认为,远东运输集团以集装箱联盟公司为模板的破产管理方法以及利用空壳公司,能够导致投资者们利益受损,即计划与远东运输集团旗下另一机构-海纳霍德卡渔港成立合资企业的中国国有企业-大连港集团。集合资产发展中心总经理及企业集合资金协会会长德米特里·日达努欣强调,“远东运输集团的类似行为使远东地区最大的中俄投资之一的项目的实现受到威胁。渔港使中国合作伙伴遭受损失的风险极大,如同从前韩国投资者在合作建造集装箱码头项目中损失了几百万美元一样。因此保卫滨海边疆区对于外国投资者的吸引力以及捍卫俄罗斯的形象是我们的任务之一”。 杰尼斯·伊格纳托夫表示,海纳霍德卡渔港的情况很难谈及与中方的合作项目,由于早在2013年,渔港启动破产程序前夕已将包括建筑物、设施、土地及渔港所属的三个码头在内的大部分资产转交远东运输集团旗下组织,而该组织(远东联盟管理有限责任公司)也正在执行破产程序。此外,今年法院判决没收渔港余下的6个码头,返还国家,并收归国家单一制企业-国家渔业资源公司所有。也许,还要谈及是远东运输集团吸引中国合作伙伴和引入俄罗斯联邦国家机关(远东发展集团股份有限公司、俄罗斯联邦远东发展部)的又一次“特别行动”。 现在,集合资产保理联合公司与集合资产发展中心期待调查委员会提起刑事诉讼的决议,诉讼根据为拖欠远东运输集团公司另一子公司-远东运输集团集装箱公司员工工资。该公司员工数月未收到工资,根据俄罗斯法律规定,这一行为已构成刑事犯罪。 杰尼斯·伊格纳托夫总结道,“对于这种债务人,仅民事处罚是不够的。远东运输集团的债务总额庞大,不仅使国有银行和投资公司遭受损失,还损害普通公民的利益。我们想要联合其他债权人,阻止远东运输集团领导集体的违法行为。方向之一便是提议将远东运输集团的代表从东部地区经济论坛的工作规划中除名。因为,虽然吸引外资意义重大,但最好先处理好自己的债务”。

Creditors of the Far Eastern Transport Group (FETC) join their efforts

The first meeting of creditors of Alliance Container, that formerly was a part of the Far Eastern Transport Group holding company (FETG), will take place on 31 August 2016. The bankruptcy proceedings of the enterprise which debt amounts to nearly 260 million roubles last since November 2015. The aim of the meeting of creditors is to change the receiver of Alliance Container in order to identify the real reasons for the bankruptcy of a subsidiary company of FETG and to protect the creditors’ rights. The assets (rolling stock) leased by the creditors were leased out free of charge by the company to the companies of FETG, in particular to FETG Container LLC. By the moment of settlements Alliance Container LLC accumulated losses and debts while the companies of FETG received all the profit. “Our aim is to join efforts and to give a fresh impetus to the bankruptcy proceedings of Alliance Container by means of bringing to responsibility of persons who actually made management decisions. In our opinion, it was FETG itself, headed by its self-perpetuating leader Raisa Nikolayevna Parshina, that is responsible for such decisions,” says Denis Ignatov, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Unified Collection and Factoring Company (UCFC), representing interests of T-Generation JSC, that is presently the principal creditor of Alliance Container. According to Mr. Ignatov, it is possible to create a unified collection pool consisting of real creditors of FETG holding company. The total debt load of FETG amounts to more than 5 billion roubles. Such companies as VTB, Sberbank, Gaztechleasing, and T-Generation JSC are the major creditors of certain companies of the group.

Collectors anticipate that the scheme used by FETG for other related companies, namely delaying the bankruptcy proceedings, introduction of creditors loyal to FETG and siphoning off of assets (as it probably occurred in case with the Nakhodka Fishery Seaport (NFSP), may be repeated. Instead of settlements with creditors, FETG at various times slowed down the bankruptcy of its enterprises and avoided making payments or delayed and reduced them through participants of the proceedings acting in its own interests. In order to prevent this outcome the creditors, first of all, plan to change the receiver. Presently, the functions of the receiver are performed by Oleg Vladimirovich Yudin, receiver for the bankruptcy of Yurganz LLC (a subsidiary of FETG), appointed at the initiative of the companies of the Group. The name of this receiver is statedly found in other bankruptcy procedures related to the Group. The decision on the change of the receiver is taken by a simple majority of voices, and its adoption will not be hampered. Also, in opinion of collectors, due to the bankruptcy control methods used by FETG and involvement of front companies, such as Alliance Container, the interests of investors may be affected, namely Port Dalian, a Chinese government company, that plans to establish a joint venture with the Nakhodka Fishery Seaport, other subsidiary company of FETG. “Such actions of FETG endangered implementation of one the largest Russian-Chinese investment projects in the Far East. It is highly probable that the port will fail to perform its obligations to the Chinese partners, as it once happened with Korean investors that lost several million dollars on the container terminal construction project. Therefore, one of our tasks is to protect the investment attractiveness of the Primorye district and the image of Russia to the foreign investors,” noted Dmitry Zhdanukhin, Director General of the Center for Development of Collection Activities and President of the Association of Corporate Collection Activities. It is difficult to speak about a joint project with Chinese partners, taking into account the situation with FETG, since as yearly as in 2013 directly prior to its bankruptcy proceedings the port siphoned off the most part of its fixed assets, including buildings, structures, land plots and three berths owned by the port into the companies of FETG that are also undergoing bankruptcy proceedings (DV-Alliance Management Company LLC). Besides, this year the remaining six berths of the port were confiscated from Nakhodka Fishery Seaport on the basis of a court decision and returned to the government represented by FSUE The National Fish Resources. It is likely that the situation implies another “special operation” of FETG with engagement of Chinese partners and involvement of government authorities of the Russian Federation (Far East Development Corporation OJSC, the Ministry for Development of the Russian Far East),” says Denis Ignatov. Presently, the UCFC jointly with the Center for Development of Collection Activities are waiting for the Investigating Committee to take a decision on institution of criminal case on the grounds of delay in salary payment to the employees of FETG Container, another subsidiary company of the holding company. The employees of the company have not been receiving their salary for several months which constitutes a criminal offence according to the laws of the Russian Federation. “In case of such debtors only civil penalty methods may be insufficient. The total volume of the debt load of FETG is huge. It affects not only the interests of state banks and investment companies, but also the interests of average citizens. We intend to join efforts with other creditors and to hinder the illegal actions of the management of the holding company. We will suggest excluding participation of representatives of FETG from the work program of the Eastern Economic Forum, as one of the measures. Attracting foreign investments is an important point, by all means, but, it would be right to resolve the issues of own debts at first,” resumed Denis Ignatov.

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